CFP—Concerned Philosophers for Peace VIRTUAL CONFERENCE October 29-30, 2021

Jul 01, 2021 Aug 02, 2021

Concerned Philosophers for Peace VIRTUAL CONFERENCE October 29-30
Fragile Lands, Power Politics: Effects of Violence and Injustice on People, Politics, and the Environment
Keynote speaker: John Nolt, University of Tennessee
We're inviting papers that address the violence and injustice that make our world fragile and leave people, the environment, and non-humans vulnerable.
We especially welcome those papers that help us to understand and create pathways to peace and justice.
Papers in any philosophical tradition are encouraged. Topics might include, but are not limited to:
-Political challenges for peace: authoritarianism, lawlessness, democracies under threat, territorial borders, failing international treaties, etc.
-Environmental challenges: climate change, environmental justice, environmental racism, role of the government, violence of pseudoscience,
habitat erosion, “invasive” species, resource extraction, speciesism, land management and use, ocean management and use, etc.
-Social challenges: homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, insecurity, systemic injustice, animal justice, gentrification and creation of “artificial” green spaces,
hostile architecture, commodification of outdoor recreation, children in nature, etc.
-Personal challenges: activism, inaction, fear, coercion, manipulation, privatization of environmental concern/action, raising children, etc.
-Exemplars of nonviolence: exemplars of moral courage, good stewardship, successful nonviolent movements, peace-making, etc.

We welcome submissions from undergraduates, graduate students, and professional philosophers, as well as from a range of fields including philosophy,
law, public policy, business, history, religious studies, political science, social science, or related fields.
Submissions from teachers, researchers, or practitioners are also welcome, particularly insofar as those presentations could complement the theme of the conference.

We also especially welcome proposals from women and minorities, and we are committed to making this year's conference inclusive and welcoming to all.
Court Lewis

Write: “CPP 2021 submission” in subject line
Deadline: August 1, 2021
Format: submit only files in .doc, .docx, or .pdf.
Include: name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and paper title in the body of your e-mail
(if you are a graduate or undergraduate student and would like to be considered for a graduate student award, indicate that in your email).
Acceptance notices will be sent by September 1, 2021

Concerned Philosophers for Peace Concerned Philosophers for Peace is the largest, most active organization of professional philosophers in North America
involved in the analysis of the causes of violence and prospects for peace.
More information at Concerned Philosophers for Peace website
our Facebook page, and our YouTube channel.

Copyright © 2025 Canadian Society Working for Inclusion in Philosophy