FAB 2020:  Call for Papers

Sep 13, 2019 Nov 05, 2019

The FAB 2020 World Congress theme is Feminist Perspectives on Solidarity and Autonomy.
Submissions are particularly welcome on this theme and associated topics. We will also welcome submissions on approaches to feminist bioethics and submissions that
examine other bioethical issues from feminist perspectives.

Sample topics include:
• Solidarity and social inequalities in access to care
• Challenges to solidarity, ethics of overcoming, ethics of resistance
• Beyond autonomy as organizing principle: feminist perspectives, definitions, and approaches
• Whose autonomy, and for what purposes? Feminist priorities in different contexts
• Relationships between research and activism in feminist practices of solidarity
• Developments in feminist empirical bioethics

The conference organizers are keen to continue the strong FAB tradition of embracing contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, social sciences,
critical cultural studies (e.g. gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, race studies, etc.), law, public health, and others. We also particularly encourage submissions
from early career researchers.

Categories of submission Submissions can be made in the following categories:
• Oral papers will be allocated 30-minute slots (20 minutes for presentation and 10 for questions and discussion).
• Oral presentations will be allocated 7 minutes for presentation. These shorter oral sessions are intended to enable more delegates to introduce people to what they are currently working on.
They will be held on the first day of the conference to allow as much time as possible for ‘follow up’ networking discussions.
• Panel sessions / workshops will be either 60 or 90 minutes long (please indicate which you prefer and why). They may consist of a small collection of linked papers
and/or other activities e.g. a debate or a panel question and answer session relating to a relevant theme in feminist bioethics. Workshop type opportunities for audience interaction are encouraged.

Submission process: All submissions should be made through the conference website: at

• Submissions are due November 4, 2019.

• You will be asked to provide the names, email addresses, and affiliations of all authors, and to identify the presenting author(s). Correspondence will be with the submitting author.

• You will be asked to provide a brief descriptive title and up to 6 keywords for your submission, and to indicate what kind(s) of presentation (oral paper, oral presentation, panel session)
you would like it to be considered for.

• If your first choice of presentation is an oral paper and you would like to be considered for a shorter oral presentation if your abstract is not selected for one of the relatively few oral paper slots, please select ‘oral paper or oral presentation’.

• If you are offering a paper as part of a panel presentation, and would like it to be considered in its own right for a paper or oral presentation if the panel presentation is
not selected as a whole, please submit a separate abstract (additional to the one submitted for the panel presentation as a whole) and select ‘abstract offered primarily as part of a panel session’ for this submission.

• For all kinds of submission, you will be asked to submit an abstract of up to 300 words. The abstract should NOT include the names or affiliations of authors. (FAB 2020 will use an anonymized
system of peer review to assess abstracts for inclusion in the conference program).

• The style of your abstract is up to you. Sub-headings are not required, but you can use them if you think they will help to summarize your proposed presentation or session clearly and concisely.

• For oral papers and oral presentations, your abstract should be as informative as possible about the content of your proposed presentation.

• For panel presentations, your main abstract should describe the focus of the session, outline the structure of the session as a whole, and give a clear indication of each component paper or activity.
You may attach additional abstracts for the component papers. As noted above, if you wish any of the component papers to be considered for presentation in their own right in case the panel
session as a whole is not selected, please ensure the authors submit the abstracts for these separately as well.

The criteria that will be used to assess abstracts are:
• fit with the FAB 2020 theme and relevance to feminist bioethics;
• originality;
• significance;
• rigor; and
• clarity of communication.

Papers accepted for the conference may subsequently be submitted for consideration for publication in The International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) as long as
they conform to the journal’s requirements and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Donchin and Holmes Emerging Scholar Prize

FAB is also proud to introduce the Donchin and Holmes Emerging Scholar Prize for the best paper accepted for presentation at the biennial FAB World Congress by a graduate student or
early career scholar (someone who has graduated within the two years before the World Congress). The award is $500 USD, and includes a certificate and recognition on the program.
Click here for more information: info

Application Procedure for Travel and Registration Grants FAB has limited funds to provide travel and registration grants to help FAB members participate in the biennial conference.
In order to be eligible for either grant, applicants must have been members of FAB for at least one year at the time of application. In order to be eligible to a travel grant, applicants must be
making a presentation at the World Congress.

For either kind of grant, you should apply to the Grants Committee by email: grants

FAB members seeking a registration grant must submit only a brief statement of need to the Grants Committee.
To apply for a travel grant, when you have heard your abstract has been accepted for presentation, please submit the following to the Grants Committee:
Full name of the applicant.
Full contact information, including any relevant institutional or organizational affiliation.
Details of pursuit of funding from other sources and outcome.
Previous FAB grants awarded (year and amount).
An extended abstract of the paper to be presented (not applicable for those requesting only assistance with registration).
Anticipated participation in FAB organizational activities if applicable. International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics.

For more information about FAB, visit FAB

International Association of Bioethics (IAB) FAB is affiliated with the International Association of Bioethics (IAB).

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