First Congress of Philosophy for Emancipation, Diversity, and the Life of the Planet, Havana, Cuba

Apr 17, 2019 Oct 02, 2019

The Conference and Congress commemorate the 500th anniversary of the founding of the City of Havana, and the Sixtieth anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

The Congress and the Conference are being organized by Cuban and international professors affiliated with the Division of Philosophy, History, and Sociology of the University of Havana
and with Dr. Thalía Fung, Head of the School of “Political Science from the South” of the University of Havana.
The “Political Science from the South” is a transdisciplinary initiative, including scholars in philosophy, political science, economics, history, anthropology, and sociology.
It seeks to develop an analysis of human history and political dynamics from the perspective of the global South, endeavoring to develop insights that are relevant to political strategies
of the nations and social movements of the Third World.

Papers can be presented in English or Spanish. Simultaneous or consecutive translation will be provided for papers presented in English.

Paper proposals (in English or Spanish), including a paper title and a summary from 250 to 450 words, should be sent by October 1, 2019 to Charles McKelvey (

Please send the abstract in a Microsoft Word document, with your name, position, institutional affiliation, city, country, and E-mail address placed at the top of the page.
Paper proposals sent prior to October 1 will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee as they are received, and a decision will be sent in no more than 30 days,
accompanied by an official letter of invitation for accepted proposals.

Themes: A Philosophy for Emancipation, Diversity, and the Life of the Planet
Culture, Philosophy, and Identity
Philosophy and interculturality
Gender and philosophy.
Philosophical thought and the original cultures of America
Philosophy and the Cuban cultural tradition
Philosophy and its role in the problems of the present world
The role of epistemology in the scientific debate on Truth
Philosophy and technology: artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, transhumanism, bioethics and the environment
Philosophy and education
The socialization of new values
The philosophical dimension of inclusion

Themes: Conference on An Alternative Political Science
Subjects and actors of change in the current epoch
Political elites and their intentions in Latin American and the Third World
Transnational corporations and their objectives in the neocolonized countries
Women and the Third World
The political thought of the South
Communist, socialist, and progressive parties in Latin American and the world
The relation between the political society and the civil society in the world today
Changes in the political system of the nation-state today
International relations and national public policies
Technology, power, and the environment
The Left and the Right in Latin America
Socialism in the Twenty-First Century
Social movements of the North

Registration fees are 200 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from the United States, Canada and Western Europe;
and 120 Cuban Convertible Pesos for participants from Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Undergraduate students are provided a 50% discount.
In addition to accreditation in the conferences, the fees include translation services, a closing reception/dinner, and refreshments at the conferences.

Participants and/or their institutions are responsible for payment for airlines, hotel lodging, and meals.
For more information on travel arrangements, contact Charles McKelvey at

U.S. regulations with respect to Cuba permit attendance at professional meetings or conferences in Cuba relating to a traveler’s profession, professional background, or area of expertise.

Scientific Committee
• Dra. Sc. Thalía Fung Riverón. General Coordinator of the Event, Professor Emeritus of the University of Havana, and President of The Cuban Society of Philosophical Research
• Dr. Ernel González, Dean of Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Havana
• Dra. Georgina Alfonso, Director of the Institute of Philosophy
• Dr. Camilo Rodríguez, Scientific Council of the Ñico López Superior School of the Communist Party of Cuba
• Lt. Col. Dr. Humberto Rogríguez López, Head of the School of Social Sciences of the General Máximo Gómez Adademy
• Dr. Jorge Carlos Bernal, Director, Institute of Psychological and Sociological Research

National Organizing Committee
Dra. Sc. Thalía Fung Riverón, President of the Cuban Society of Philosophical Research (SCIF for its initials in Spanish)
Dra. Elsie Plain Rad-Cliff, Vice-President of SCIF
Dra. Lissette Mendoza Portales, Vice-President of SCIF
Dra. Nancy López Díaz, Vice-President of SCIF
Dra. Ileana Capote Padrón, Vice-President of SCIF
Dr. Vicente Maciñeira, Executive Secretary of SCIF
Dra. Alicia Morffi García, Vice-President and Financial Secretary of SCIF
Dra. Laubel Pimentel Ramos, Academic Secretary of SCIF
Dra. Célida Valdés Menocal, SCIF, Philosophy Academic Committee
Dra. Inés Rodríguez, SCIF, Registration

International Organizing Committee
MSc. Helena Uema, Brazil
Dr. Nelson Fred, Puerto Rico
Dr. Sc. Rigoberto Pupo, Mexico
Dr. C. Jorge Valmaseda, Mexico
Dr. C. Victorino Barrios, Mexico
Dr. C. Hugo Cornejo, Mexico
Dra. Taeli Gómez, Chile
Dr. Susan Babbitt, Canada
Dr. Charles McKelvey, USA, responsible for USA, Canada, Western Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Dr. Andrej Krikovic, USA and Russia, responsible for Eastern Europe and Asia

Academic Commissions
Academic Commission for Political Science:
Dra. C. Elsie Plain Rad-Cliff, Professor, University of Havana
Dra. C. Laubel B. Pimentel Ramos, Professor Emeritus, University of Havana
Dra. C. Alicia Morffi García, Professor, University of Havana

Academic Commission for Philosophy
Dra. C. Lissette Mendoza Portales, Professor Emeritus, University of Havana
Dra. C. Nancy López Díaz, Professor, University of Havana
Dra. C. Célida Valdés Menocal, Professor, University of Havana

Academic Commission for participants from the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa
Dr. Charles McKelvey, Professor Emeritus, Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina, USA, email
Dr. Andrej Krickovic, Professor, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, email

Basic Preliminary Program
Tuesday, November 19
9:00-1:00 Political Science from the South: Interchange with Cuban historians, social scientists and philosophers of the Cuban Society of Philosophical Research.

Wednesday, November 20
9:00-4:00 International Conference on “Political Science from the South.”

Thursday, November 21
9:00-1:30 International Conference on “Political Science from the South.”
2:30-4:00 Celebration of the International Day of Philosophy in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana.

Friday, November 22
9:00-4:00 International Conference on “Political Science from the South.”

Saturday, November 23
Additional Conference activities

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