CFP-Emerging Technologies: Feminist Perspectives on Neural Technologies

Aug 07, 2018 Dec 02, 2018

The past decade has seen rapid growth in the development of novel neural technologies, including e.g., deep brain stimulators, brain computer interfaces,
direct current stimulation devices, and neural prostheses. Some of these devices are wearable and removable, while others are implanted.
Such technologies raise ethical issues that involve philosophical concepts such as agency, autonomy, responsibility, identity, and justice – concepts which
feminist philosophers have re-analyzed and critiqued. They also suggest new areas of inquiry relating to disability, normality, embodiment and aesthetics.
While these issues have received some attention in the field of neuroethics, feminist philosophical analysis can provide a lens that is currently under-recognized
in the field of neural technology development.
In this special issue, we aim to build on existing feminist work in neuroethics (e.g., from Francoise Baylis, Mary Walker and Catriona MacKenzie, and Maartje Schermer)
and to expand the range of critical feminist perspectives on neural technologies.
We welcome essays on issues including but not limited to:
• How neural technologies may affect our understanding of relational, intersectional, and narrative identity
• What responsibility for action means in the context of relational agency
• How neural technologies interact with disability justice movements and feminist movements
• How the development of neural technologies includes or excludes certain groups
• Whether there are important gendered aspects to neural technology development
• How neural technology might affect autonomy and/or autonomy competencies
Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2018
Anonymous review: All submissions are subject to double anonymous peer review.
The Editorial Office aims to return an initial decision to authors within eight weeks. Authors are frequently asked to revise and resubmit based on extensive reviewer comments.
The Editorial Office aims to return a decision on revised papers within four–six weeks. Submissions should be sent [to Editorial office(
indicating special issue " Feminist Perspectives on Neural Technologies" in the subject heading.
All submissions should conform to IJFAB style guidelines. Please find details here.
For further information regarding the special issue please contact Laura Specker Sullivan
or Sara Goering
The special issue editors are happy to discuss possible topic areas in advance of the deadline.

Copyright © 2025 Canadian Society Working for Inclusion in Philosophy