FEMMSS 7 Call for Submissions

Jan 18, 2018 Mar 01, 2018

Navigating Habitats:
Feminist Explorations of Disability, Climates, Ecosystems, and Technologies

Call for Submissions

Submission deadline noon February 26th, 2018 PST; acceptance notifications by noon April 2nd, 2018, PST .

Submissions are invited for the seventh meeting of the Association for Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies [FEMMSS])https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffemmss.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cckoggel%40BRYNMAWR.EDU%7C768438ea53b94bd3187a08d556c7b3d4%7Cc94b117b616347fd93f8b8001804ae6f%7C1%7C0%7C636510338095235109&sdata=h3t2itjRHKJWY2UdZeNRdpz4y8y5gQ63sXt4cgEGWzM%3D&reserved=0) hosted by Sharyn Clough at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, to be held at the Courtyard by Marriott hotel in downtown Corvallis, Weds. August 1 through Sunday August 5, 2018.
FEMMSS is a multidisciplinary organization. We welcome papers, posters, panels, and workshops from any academic discipline and from outside the academy. We especially encourage work that crosses traditional boundaries—disciplinary and academic/non-academic, among others—to expose how issues of disability, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and other areas of difference shape our understandings of the world, including science scholarship, participation, policies, outcomes, and practice. In addition to showcasing innovative work, FEMMSS aims to build a supportive network in feminist science studies, epistemologies, metaphysics, and feminist methodologies across disciplines, from humanities to social sciences to STEM fields. It especially aims to include and encourage those who are underrepresented or are in other ways disadvantaged within their home disciplines.

Topics for FEMMSS 7 include but need not be limited to:
1. Disability, its technologies, and epistemologies
2. Ecosystems, their climates, and ways of knowing them
3. Indigenous ways of knowing, the environment, and disability
4. Public understanding, the environment, and disability
5. Disabling, racialized, and gendered epistemologies and methodologies in the disciplines.
6. The ethics, politics, ontology, and epistemology of biomedical research
7. Engineering technologies for environmental justice and global peace
8. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education: Strategies for equity throughout the pipeline (pre-K through gray)
9. Accessibility and STEM education: Supporting disabled students and staff
10. Professional Development: Thriving when you are ‘the only…’ in your unit
11. Professional Development: Promoting interdisciplinary scholarship/service/teaching

Submission instructions:
You are permitted one submission, unless you are submitting a poster. If you are submitting a poster, you can also submit an abstract for a paper, panel, or workshop. To submit please go to submissions

● Individual papers and posters: Please provide a title, put a 300-word abstract in the text box, and select 3-10 topics/keywords. At the beginning of the abstract indicate if your submission is a poster. Please do not include any identifying information in your abstract.
● Panels: For the panel as a whole, provide a title, include a 300-word abstract in the text box, and select 3-10 topics/keywords. Upload a single document that includes each paper’s title and 300-word abstract. Please take care not to identify authors in the abstracts.
● Workshops: Provide a title, include a 300-word abstract with goals and rationale in the text box, and select 3-10 keywords/topics. Workshops require audience/participant engagement of some kind beyond a Q/A session. Upload an additional 300-word description of the activities in which your audience/participants will engage. Consider activities that are broadly accessible, or that have variants that make them accessible. We can help you with questions of accessibility. Please take care not to identify authors in the abstract or activity description.
● Keywords/Topics: Easy Chair requires submission of 3 keywords. You can copy keywords from the topic list or create unique keywords if your topics are not on the list.

FEMMSS was founded in 2004. Central aims of the organization include the encouragement of networking and collaboration among scholars in diverse fields; the development of analytic and pedagogical skills to aid such interdisciplinary work; the support of women and other underrepresented scholars in the various humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields, and the sharing of strategies for facilitating their success; and the mentoring of junior scholars. FEMMSS has a strong commitment to work that crosses boundaries among disciplines and between the academy and the public.

Note: Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR is located in the traditional territory of the Chepenefa ("Mary's River") band of the Kalapuya. After the Kalapuya Treaty (Treaty of Dayton) in 1855, Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to what are now the Grand Ronde and Siletz reservations, and are now members of Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon Information and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fctsi.nsn.us&data=02%7C01%7Cckoggel%40BRYNMAWR.EDU%7C768438ea53b94bd3187a08d556c7b3d4%7Cc94b117b616347fd93f8b8001804ae6f%7C1%7C0%7C636510338095235109&sdata=lOS4WhZfgkrc6%2FJOHUqn6NU509QckndC6sL2SJS7elU%3D&reserved=0https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fctsi.nsn.us%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cckoggel%40BRYNMAWR.EDU%7C768438ea53b94bd3187a08d556c7b3d4%7Cc94b117b616347fd93f8b8001804ae6f%7C1%7C0%7C636510338095235109&sdata=7%2BS8qYcJubglWO9kySfllJkn5z6lfjEsFpJMNpb%2Fdh4%3D&reserved=0).

ADA guest rooms have been reserved at the conference hotel for participants. Further accessibility information for the venue can be found [here[(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marriott.com%2Fhotels%2Ffact-sheet%2Ftravel%2Feugco-courtyard-corvallis%2F%23accessbility&data=02%7C01%7Cckoggel%40BRYNMAWR.EDU%7C768438ea53b94bd3187a08d556c7b3d4%7Cc94b117b616347fd93f8b8001804ae6f%7C1%7C0%7C636510338095235109&sdata=qWNb9UDvMWfDoJjwRu%2BZhm4UhscCVStg1LG9TBzo3cA%3D&reserved=0)

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