FAB 2008 Congress Calls for Papers and Abstracts

Sep 24, 2007 Feb 01, 2008

We cordially invite proposals for panels and papers. The Congress theme is “Voice, Power and Responsibility in Health Care”. Papers on any topic in feminist bioethics are welcome, although the plenary sessions will be devoted to the Congress theme.

This theme should be interpreted broadly. Examples of topics include but are not restricted to:

Abstracts should be 350-400 words, and be accompanied by both a descriptive title for the paper proposed and 2-3 keywords. Individual papers accepted for presentation will be allotted a maximum of 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions. Please provide enough detail about your argument for reviewers to be able to assess your proposal from the abstract.

There is the opportunity for one or two submitted papers to be selected for plenary presentations. If you wish your paper to be considered for a plenary, please submit the full paper and indicate that you seek review for a plenary.

Publications from Congress

Vol II, no.2 of IJFAB will be based on the conference proceedings. All papers whose abstracts are accepted for the conference will be eligible for inclusion. Once abstracts are accepted, they will be forwarded to the editorial staff of IJFAB, which will follow up with authors in having them submit a paper. Authors will have sufficient time after the conference to make revisions. Any author who does not wish to have their paper reviewed for inclusion in IJFAB should indicate this when submitting the abstract. Please note that, all other things being equal, preference will be given to those submissions that are available for inclusion in IJFAB .

Support for new researchers

We encourage submissions from early career researchers. Dr Angela Ballantyne has offered to provide support and mentoring for early career researchers. If you are such a researcher and would like feedback on your abstract before submitting it, please contact Angela directly (from 1 September 2007) at angela.ballantyne@yale.edu

We will be using an online submission process for abstracts. Information on this process will be announced on the FAB listserv and on the website at www.fabnet.org, where one can also get more information about FAB.

The deadline for abstract is 1 Feb 2008. Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 14 March 2008.

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