“Reasoning for Change” special issue available for free

Jun 19, 2011 Oct 28, 2011

Now available upon request free and postage paid: paper copies of the special issue of Informal Logic entitled "Reasoning for Change" edited by Phyllis Rooney and Catherine E. Hundleby that emerged from the 2008 C-SWIP conference at the University of Windsor on "Reason, Activism, and Change: Philosophical Considerations." Papers by Phyllis Rooney, Sylvia Burrow, Patrick Bondy, Catherine E. Hundleby and James C. Lang cover topics of adversarial argumentation (including in philosophy), gendered argumentation contexts as a specific type of epistemic injustice, limitations of the fallacies approach to argument evaluation, and the implications for rhetorical argumentation of (feminist) epistemologies of situated knowledges.

To receive copies of "Reasoning for Change," please email Anna Marro, with "change" in the subject line, and your full mailing address in the text body along with an indication of the number of copies (one to three) you would like. (Please note that processing of requests may take several weeks.) Requests for more than three copies should be sent to Catherine Hundleby with an explanation of the purposes. Costs of the printing and distribution are covered by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

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