Diotima: A Graduate Conference for Feminist Philosophers, Western,  September 18-19, 2009

May 23, 2009 Jun 26, 2009

Diotima: A Graduate Conference for Feminist Philosophers

This conference aims to bring together graduate students from across North America who share an interest in feminism, post-coloniality, queer theory, critical race theory, philosophy of disability and anti-oppression theory in general, regardless of their primary area of research. In doing so, we hope to encourage philosophical scholarship that is influenced by these forms of inquiry, while promoting them as legitimate areas of study within philosophy. The conference will provide support for socially conscious graduate students by fostering connections between them and by offering opportunities to benefit from supportive feedback.

Keynote Speaker: We are very pleased to announce Alice MacLachlan, from York University, as our Keynote speaker. MacLachlan’s philosophical work is insightful and compelling. She specializes in feminist approaches to ethics, especially virtue ethics and moral psychology, and in social and political philosophy. Her current research focuses on forgiveness, reconciliation, reparation and apology, as well as the philosophy of Hannah Arendt. She also has interests in the politics of sexuality.

We invite submissions, in any area of philosophy, that have been influenced by your feminist commitments, broadly construed. Presenters will have 30-35 minutes to speak, followed by a 10 minute commentary and a 25-30 minute discussion period. Papers should be approximately 4000 words. Please include an abstract with your submission of no more then 200 words.

We also invite proposals for a panel discussion. Three panelists will have 15 minutes to speak followed by a 45 minute discussion period. Proposals should center on the theme of ‘new feminisms’. Topics may include but are not limited to:
* Feminist analysis of information sharing systems and new technologies;
* Feminism’s relevance or lack thereof to young women;
* Analysis of the social consequences of genetic or biomedical research and treatment;
* Areas of traditional philosophic inquiry that feminists may have overlooked;
* A discussion of a recent work or emerging political concern;
* Developing interactions between theorists from different cultures;
* Practices disruptive to oppressive norms related to ability, race, sexuality or gender, etc.

Proposals should be 500 words detailing the main points of your presentation. You may apply as an individual or as a group of presenters.
There will be an outdoor fireside discussion on Saturday night, weather permitting, on the practical challenges and rewards of bringing your political commitments into your philosophy. Presenters should come prepared to discuss their own experiences. Conference attendees are encouraged to participate. Have you tried to use personal narratives in your research? Do your political commitments clash with your philosophical commitments? Do you wonder whether feminism is relevant to your research if it is not overtly political?

Finally, this conference is meant to be fun and productive! Come out, meet your future colleagues, learn and relax a little.


Please send your submissions electronically to Diotima
All papers will be evaluated by blind review; identifying information should appear in a cover letter only.

Visit our facebook group “Diotima” for further information and conference updates.

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