Hypatia Special Issue: Ethics of Embodiment. Deadline March 15, 2010

May 18, 2009 Mar 19, 2010

Hypatia Special Issue: Ethics of Embodiment
Volume 26 Number 3, Summer 2011
Guest Editors: Debra Bergoffen and Gail Weiss

Deadline: March 15, 2010

This Hypatia Special Issue will showcase the diversity of ethical approaches to embodiment. Despite the centrality of the body in discussions of gender, race, class, religion, ethnicity, and ability and their respective intersections, the implications of feminist analyses of the body as a ground for ethical theorizing, as the subject of ethical demands, and as the very means by which these demands are articulated, are yet to be the subject of a volume or journal issue. We seek to remedy this important gap by calling for original essays by feminists who draw from different philosophical traditions and practices to develop the ethical implications of human and/or nonhuman embodied experience.

Contributors may wish to consider such questions as:
* How does bodily vulnerability inform ethical demands?
* What ethical traditions offer the most (or least) productive resources for considering the ethical implications of embodiment?
* How might a focus on embodiment re-align existing ethical theories and practices (e.g. medical practices and public policy)?
* What challenges does an emphasis upon the primacy of embodied experience pose to traditional, cognitive-based, ethical theorizing?
* How might considerations of nonhuman forms of embodiment affect ethical understandings of human embodiment (and vice versa)?
* What current bodily norms are challenged by an ethics of embodiment?
* How can the suffering of people who have been socially, politically, medically, and/or legally disenfranchised be alleviated by considering the ethical dimensions of the body?
* How would an embodied ethics contribute to new ways of thinking about space, time, and/or intersubjectivity?
* How might an ethics, grounded in the body, affect and transform both individual and collective lives?

Deadline for submissions: March 15, 2010.

Papers should be no more than 8000 words, inclusive of notes and bibliography, prepared for anonymous review, and accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words. For details please see hypatia
Please submit your paper to manuscript
When you submit, make sure to select "Ethics of Embodiment" as your manuscript type, and also send an email to the guest editor(s) notifying them of the title of the paper you've submitted: Debra Bergoffen or Gail Weiss

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