Joint URPE/IAFFE sessions using feminist and radical political economy approaches, January 3-5, 2010

Apr 05, 2009 Apr 17, 2009

Once again, URPE (Union of Radical Political Economics) and IAFFE (International Association for Feminist Economics) plan to co-sponsor up to three sessions at the ASSA annual meeting in 2010. I will be coordinating these for IAFFE and working closely with URPE panel coordinators for the ASSAs (Fred Moseley and Laurie Nisonoff) and IAFFE panel coordinator (and president-elect) Eudine Barriteau.

I welcome proposals on feminist and radical political economic theory and applied analysis. One of the panels will focus on papers which address the gendered, racial and class impacts of the economic crisis.
The other two will be based on the topics of proposals received. The number of panels allocated to heterodox organizations is very limited.
The joint IAFFE/URPE panels are allocated to URPE. Please note that anyone who presents a paper must be a member of URPE or IAFFE at the time of submission of the paper or panel proposal. Preference will be given to presenters who are members of both organizations.

Proposals for individual papers should include the title, the abstract, and the author's name, institutional affiliation, phone, email and the completed URPE registration form (included below). I will also need to know about your (and any co-authors) membership status in URPE and/or IAFFE. Please send these proposals materials to Randy Albelda

Proposals for complete sessions are possible. If you want to propose a panel, please contact Randy Albelda

If you are interested in/willing to be a chair or discussant, please let me know.

The deadline for proposed papers for joint URPE/IAFFE panels is April 13, 2009.

Contact Urpe or 413-577-0806 for URPE membership. Contact for IAFFE membership information. We will confirm membership prior to accepting proposals. URPE is very serious about this and will cancel panels in which any members (besides chairs or discussants) are not URPE or IAFFE members.

Please note that the date, time, and location of sessions is assigned by ASSA, not URPE or IAFFE. You should receive word from me that your paper/session was accepted by mid-June. ASSA will not assign dates and times until much later in the summer.


Randy Albelda


Please fill out this form for each panel participant. For submission to joint URPE/IAFFE panels, please include this form with your proposal submission and send to




Ph: (Office) ________________ (Home) ________________

Summer address and phone (from _____________ to _____________):

Institutional Affiliation:

I am proposing a session/paper (circle one) entitled:

I wish to participate as a discussant. My interest area(s) are:

Are you or your co-author(s) a member of URPE? (yes/no). Please give the name of the currently paid URPE member:

-- Randy Albelda Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA 02125 617-287-6963 email

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