The Association for Feminist Ethics And Social Theory (FEAST) invites submissions for the Fall 2009

Sep 28, 2008 Mar 13, 2009

The Association for Feminist Ethics And Social Theory (FEAST) invites submissions for the Fall 2009 conference, September 24 - 27, 2009 Clearwater Beach, Florida

Keynote speakers: Ofelia Schutte and Joan Tronto

Submission deadline: February 27, 2009

Submissions, for either paper or panel sessions, should consist of papers no longer than 3,000 words and abstracts of 100-250 words.

Presenters are encouraged to submit revised, expanded versions of their papers for a FEAST special issue of Hypatia that will appear in 2011--submission details to be announced in Spring 2009.

FEAST 2009 will also include two invited panels:
Environmental Feminism, with Chris Cuomo, Trish Glazebrook, and Chaone Mallory

Evolutionary Psychology, with Carla Fehr, Letitia Meynell, and Anya Plutynski

Theoretical papers on all topics within the areas of feminist ethics and social theory are welcome. The program committee aims to create a conference with a diverse group of presenters and a diversity of philosophical topics and styles. Proposals for resentations other than papers (e.g. workshops, discussions, etc.) should include detailed descriptions demonstrating that the ideas are as developed as they would be in a paper.

We especially invite submissions for the "Difficult Conversations" workshop, which is held as a lunchtime event at each FEAST conference. Previous workshops have included a discussion of how racism has affected participants' lives, a conversation between women with disabilities and women who care for persons with disabilities, and a dialogue about feminist sexualities and identities.

FEAST strongly encourages members of groups that are underrepresented in both the discipline of philosophy and at feminist philosophy conferences to send submissions. The Steering Committee apologizes for the oversight of scheduling the conference to end on the day that begins Yom Kippur (Sept 27th, 2009), and we will do our best to accommodate scheduling requests relating to religious and cultural practices.

Please send your submission, in one document (a Word or pdf file), to Lisa Schwartzman by February 27, 2009. Your document should include the paper title, abstract, and paper, but no identifying information. The word count (max. 3,000) should appear on the top of the first page of your paper. Panel organizers, please send the panel title and all three abstracts and papers in one document, along with the word counts (3,000 for each paper). In the body of the e-mail message, please include: your paper or panel title, name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, surface mail address, and phone number. All submissions will be anonymously reviewed.

For more information on FEAST or to see the programs from past conferences

Questions may be directed to Lisa Schwartzman

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