University of Calgary, TT Assistant Prof., Ethics

Feb 24, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

The Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Calgary is seeking to fill one position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track).
The area of research specialization should fall under Ethics, broadly construed to include both traditional questions in moral theory or metaethics as well as issues related to public policy,
environmental justice, racial justice, or gender justice.

The appointee will be expected to maintain an active research program while contributing to the departments undergraduate and graduate teaching.
This will include contributing to the department’s undergraduate applied ethics offerings, which currently include bioethics, environmental ethics, information technology ethics,
business ethics, and a contemporary moral problems course. Applicants are encouraged to identify any new courses in applied ethics that they would be able to offer.
The appointee will also be expected to offer graduate seminars and supervise graduate students in their area(s) of research expertise.

The usual teaching assignment for Professorial stream appointees is 2-2, and the successful candidate can expect to receive a reduction in teaching assignment in the first year of the appointment.
We strongly encourage candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to apply. As a department we have been actively engaged in conversations surrounding equity, diversity, and inclusion.
While we recognize that we still have work to do on these issues, we pride ourselves on having a collegial and supportive atmosphere and are committed to ongoing improvement.
The successful candidate will have the PhD in hand at time of application or be on track to complete before the start date of July 1, 2021.
They will have a demonstrated track record of research excellence shown by, e.g., publications in high quality journals, peer reviewed presentations, the writing sample,
and/or scholarships and grants.
The Department values public facing and community engaged scholarship and encourages applicants to include information about these activities in their applications.
The successful candidate will also have a record of teaching excellence as shown by, e.g., teaching materials developed for their classes, student outcomes, institutional recognitions
of teaching effectiveness, participation in pedagogical development activities, peer evaluations of teaching, and/or student evaluations of teaching.
More information about the department can be found at website

Inquiries about the position and department should be directed to the Department Head, Nicole Wyatt, at email

Please submit your application online via the Apply Now link. Applications should include a cover letter outlining their teaching and research experience and interests,
a comprehensive CV, a writing sample, and a teaching dossier. Three letters of reference should also be sent directly to
Kate Williams email
with Reference Letter Calgary Philosophy in the subject line.

Candidates selected for the long-short list will be asked to provide, in addition, a one-page statement identifying the applicants contributions, or potential contributions,
to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) along with their ability to work with a culturally diverse and international student body.

The deadline for application is March 9, 2021 . Interviews will be conducted virtually in light of health and safety issues related to COVID 19.

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy in line with the foundational goals of Eyes High, committing to creating a rich, vibrant,
and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

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