University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, TT, philosophy

Oct 31, 2018 Nov 02, 2018

The Department of Philosophy at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in Philosophy to begin Fall 2019.
Areas of Specialization and Competence are open. Our department is pluralistic in terms of philosophical approach, with faculty representing Analytic, Continental, American,
Latin American, Asian, and Feminist traditions, and we welcome applicants whose work may add to or strengthen this plurality.
The faculty hired for this position will be expected to teach philosophy courses in two languages; some courses are to be taught in English and others in Spanish.
The successful candidate must be proficient in written and spoken English and Spanish, and we would prefer candidates with scholarship experience in Spanish.
With this hire the Department seeks to further cultivate and enhance the diverse cultural and linguistic assets of our university and the Rio Grande Valley.
Preference will also be given to applicants who demonstrate outstanding teaching and outreach ability to grow the Philosophy Program in our Brownsville campus,
where the candidate is expected to carry out all or most teaching and outreach obligations.

Application requirements: 1. Letter of interest that directly responds to this job ad.
2. Updated curriculum vitae.
3. Two writing samples: an English language sample and a Spanish language sample; at least one of these must be a scholarly philosophy research manuscript or publication.
4. A teaching portfolio that includes a teaching philosophy, an English language sample syllabus, and a Spanish language sample syllabus.

For more info, please see: careers

Deadline for applications: Nov. 1st

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