Merrimack College, Visiting Scholar/Professor, Associate Professor or Professor at Home Institution

Oct 29, 2017 Dec 02, 2017

The Interdisciplinary Institute at Merrimack College seeks to hire a visiting scholar for a one year appointment.
The Interdisciplinary Institute embraces the potential for new knowledge, new ways of understanding, and new insights on complex
questions that can come from integrating the theoretical and methodological approaches of more than one field of study.
The Institute’s vision is to become a site for collaboration, exploration, and innovation, where visiting scholars, Merrimack faculty,
and students can examine, understand, and attempt to resolve 21st century problems in the unique ways made possible by employing the tools of multiple disciplines.

As an institution committed to social justice and intersectionality, Merrimack College invites applications for a Scholar in Residence at the rank of Associate or Full Professor
(currently tenured, or equivalent) whose research and expertise focuses on the Institute’s two-year theme: the complex nature of bias.
The successful candidate will help us understand and address the emergence and proliferation of biases (e.g., Where does bias come from? Is it inevitable?
Why are some groups targeted and others not? How can we overcome bias? How does bias impact our understanding of contemporary issues?).

We will consider applicants who are available for either a single semester or a full year (Fall 2018-Spring 2019). The Institute and candidate will develop the responsibilities for this position, which could include:
a. Teaching 1-2 course/s per semester
b. Participating in and leading symposia
c. Helping publish an undergraduate journal
d. Engaging with faculty and students in multiple ways (team-teaching, mentoring, co-authorship of scholarly works, project-based experiential learning, etc.)

To Apply: Applicants should submit the following:
a curriculum vitae, a statement describing the interdisciplinary nature of your research and/or teaching as it relates to our theme
on the complex nature of bias, and names and contact information of three potential references.
Questions can be directed to Mark Allman, Associate Dean of the School of Liberal Arts
Applications are due by December 1, 2017.

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