Butler University, social and political philosophy, assistant professor

Aug 29, 2017 Oct 24, 2017

The Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Classics at Butler University seeks to hire a tenure-track assistant professor whose area of specialization is contemporary social and political philosophy and ethics, and whose scholarly interests involve critical reflection on social justice and diversity, and applied ethics. Teaching competency in some of the following is also desirable: the history of ethics and social/political philosophy, international ethics, ethics of war and peace, philosophy of law, philosophy of race/class/gender, and ethics in non-western traditions.

In addition to the undergraduate philosophy program, candidates would be expected to regularly teach courses in Butler’s First Year Seminar and/or Global and Historical Studies programs (parts of Butler’s core curriculum), and to contribute to one or more of the college’s interdisciplinary programs: International Studies; Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies; Peace and Conflict Studies; and Science, Technology, and Environmental Studies. The candidate will also be expected to help lead the department’s Ethics minor. The successful candidate will display clear indications of being a program builder with an interest in helping grow the number of Philosophy/Ethics majors and minors, and will demonstrate an inspiring enthusiasm for undergraduate teaching. Teaching load is 3/3. Candidates should expect to complete their PhD by August 1st, 2018.

To Apply: Applicants must submit the following: a CV; a one- or two-page cover letter briefly outlining research interests and teaching philosophy/experience; unofficial transcripts; three letters of recommendation; a writing sample; thorough evidence of teaching experience/excellence (evaluations, detailed statement of teaching philosophy etc.).

Direct search inquiries to Tiberiu Popa, chair of the search committee.

Please have complete applications and letters of recommendation e-mailed to Claudia Johnson by October 22, 2017.

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