San Francisco State University, Dept. of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, tenure-track

Oct 04, 2016 Nov 25, 2016

San Francisco State University
Position title: Assistant Professor position in Philosophy of Law and Justice Theory
Start date: August, 2017

Areas of specialization: Philosophy of Law and Justice Theory
Areas of competence: Normative ethics, metaethics, political philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of action or other philosophical areas that are of interest in legal theory or importance in law

Qualifications: The Ph.D. in philosophy (all requirements completed before appointment starts) required, and either the J.D. or documentation of equivalent expertise in the field of law preferred.

Candidates should have a strong background in philosophy of law, a record of scholarly achievement appropriate to candidate’s career stage, and demonstrated potential for publication in the field of law (including philosophy of law and legal theory).

Candidates must demonstrate the ability to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy of law and other philosophical areas related to appointee’s research interests. Ability to teach in a racially diverse, multicultural setting is essential. Excellence in teaching and scholarship must be demonstrated.
We are a pluralistic and feminist-friendly department, and we value collaborative work among philosophers and with scholars in other fields. The University provides opportunities for support of both research and teaching projects.

Responsibilities and Duties:
The position requires graduate and undergraduate teaching in philosophy, mentoring and advising graduate and undergraduate students, developing an active ongoing research program in one’s areas of specialty, and ongoing committee and service assignments. The successful candidate will direct the baccalaureate degree emphasis in Philosophy and Law and will assume important roles in supervising M.A. theses, advising, internships and community projects, and curricular development.

Detailed position description is available at Position.

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