York University, Dept. of Philosophy, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2)

Nov 25, 2015 Jan 30, 2016

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Social Epistemology and Cognitive Science

The Department of Philosophy at York University invites applications from scholars who specialize in the field of Social Epistemology and Cognitive Science to be nominated for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC). The successful CRC is expected to have the necessary qualifications to be appointed as a tenured or tenure-track professor at the Assistant or Associate level. We are interested in applicants who demonstrate the potential for major and transformative scholarship in the field of social epistemology, drawing connections with cognitive science and/or other empirically informed approaches to philosophy.

Following York’s strategic research prioritization of Advancing Fundamental Discovery and Critical Knowledge, we seek scholars who are undertaking research on new modes of acquiring, justifying, and disseminating knowledge in the social world. Also, in accordance with York’s strategic research prioritization of Exploring the Frontiers of Science and Technology, we are interested in hiring a scholar who is engaged in understanding how technological advances affect the acquisition, justification, and dissemination of knowledge. Some of the research foci that would fall within the scope of this appointment would include: distributed cognition, collective epistemic agents, feminist epistemology, group polarization, peer disagreement, implicit bias, debiasing strategies, division of epistemic labour, epistemic injustice, and the influence of ideology and social power, among others. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches are welcome.

The successful applicant will have a PhD in Philosophy obtained within the past 10 years, with postdoctoral fellowship experience and/or prior faculty level experience preferred. The successful applicant must have a track record of scholarship and funding expected of an exceptional emerging scholar, with a demonstrated capacity for leadership and the potential to achieve international recognition in the field. Preference will be given to those with experience supervising graduate students and/or the potential to attract, develop, and retain excellent students and future researchers. The successful applicant must have demonstrated excellence or promise of excellence in teaching and will direct courses in Epistemology and related areas at all levels, contribute to curricular development in her/his area of specialization, and participate actively in the graduate program. The successful applicant will be eligible for immediate appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

This CRC is expected to develop research linkages within and beyond York. In addition to York’s highly ranked and diverse Philosophy Department, which is home to our Cognitive Science Program, there are several units at York whose research agendas may overlap with the focus of this CRC. These units include, for example, the Centre for Feminist Research, the program in Science and Technology Studies, and the Centre for Vision Research.

Established by the Government of Canada, the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program seeks to attract exceptional researchers to Canadian universities. Appointments to Canada Research Chair positions are subject to review and approval by the Canada Research Chairs Secretariat. Complete details about the CRC program can be found on the CRC website at CRC.

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York’s website at York or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713.

The start date for this position is no sooner than July 1, 2016. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval. The deadline for applications is January 30, 2016.

Candidates should submit a signed letter of application, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, and a sample of written work to:
Professor Muhammad Ali Khalidi,
Chair, Department of Philosophy,
Ross Building, S431, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies,
York University, 4700 Keele St.,
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada.
Electronic submissions can be emailed to: PhlCRC (subject line: CRC Search).

York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA Program, which applies to Aboriginal people, visible minorities, people with disabilities, and women, can be found at York or by calling the AA office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) brings together internationally recognized research, a devotion to effective teaching, and a commitment to diversity, equity and social justice. The range, global sensitivity and intensity of disciplinary and interdisciplinary degree programs are mirrored by the diversity and engagement of its professors and students. Within its 21 academic units, LA&PS provides a compelling learning experience for more than 23,000 undergraduate and 1,800 graduate students. Become part of LA&PS – Canada’s most comprehensive group of academic programs and researchers in social sciences, humanities and related professional fields.

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