Call for Nominations: ESWIP Distinguished Woman Philosopher

May 28, 2015 Jul 03, 2015

Each year the Eastern Division of the Society for Women in Philosophy comes together to honor a woman philosopher whose contributions to the support of women in philosophy and to philosophy itself are outstanding and merit special recognition.

A panel and reception celebrating the honoree’s accomplishments will be organized for the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, January 6-9, 2016 in Washington, DC.

Nominations should include a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae and a minimum of two supporting letters, which summarize the nominee’s contributions to philosophy and support of women in philosophy.
Two-thirds of letter writers for any given nomination must be members of the Society for Women in Philosophy in good standing.

Please email all nominations to Johanna Luttrell, ESWIP Distinguished Secretary Luttrell no later than June 15th, 2015. Please put “DWP Nomination” in the subject line.

Additional Reminder: ESWIP Dues

If you would like to support Eastern SWIP, would like to become a dues paying member, or would like to update your dues, please submit a payment via PayPal to the following email address: or mail a check addressed to Amy Nigh at the following address: 430 Mineau Pkwy. Madison, WI 53711.

Following are the current rates for SWIP dues:
Full-time professional $30.00
Part-time professional $20.00
Student/underemployed $10.00

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