University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dept of Philosophy, Open Rank

Oct 07, 2014 Nov 07, 2014

The Department of Philosophy Philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invites applications for an open-rank university year (9 month) appointment in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. PPE is an interdepartmental major in the College of Literature, Sciences, and Arts. Applicants must be prepared to teach courses in the PPE major, including interdisciplinary gateway and capstone courses, as part of their regular teaching assignment. Senior candidates must be willing to direct the PPE program as part of a rotation of directors. The successful candidate will have a tenure-track appointment in Philosophy and, where appropriate, in another department. The Philosophy Department welcomes joint appointments in any cognate field, including but not limited to Political Science and Economics.

Duties include research, 4 courses/year on a semester system, graduate supervision, and normal committee service. (This course load may be reduced depending on rank and joint appointment.)

The successful candidate should have earned a Ph.D. in any field relevant to philosophy, politics, and economics by the time of the appointment. In addition, the candidate must have a strong commitment to teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate student level, and must demonstrate an ability to initiate and conduct a high quality program of original research.

Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. The University is supportive of the needs of dual career couples and is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Start date: September 1, 2015.
Salary: Salary is highly competitive.
Closing Date: Applications must be received by November 1, 2014 to be assured of full consideration.
To Apply: All applicants should ensure that their dossiers contain a cover letter, current CV, a statement of current and future research plans, a statement of teaching philosophy and experience, and evidence of teaching excellence. Junior applicants should also include at least 3 letters of recommendation and samples of written work. Please apply online at Michigan

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