University of Kentucky, Dept. of Gender and Women’s Studies, Assistant Professor

Oct 07, 2014 Dec 05, 2014

The Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Kentucky seeks applications for a full-time, tenure track, assistant professorship to begin August 2015 with teaching and research interests such as but not limited to transnational feminisms, masculinities, and transgender studies. We seek candidates who can participate fully in the research, teaching, and service of the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. We are searching for an innovative teacher who can teach a broad range of required core courses in our undergraduate and graduate curriculum including large-lecture introductory classes. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in hand or by August 2015. A Ph.D. or a graduate certificate/concentration, in feminist studies/gender and women’s studies is preferred. Applicants must demonstrate exceptional promise as scholars and teachers, as well as a strong commitment to departmental and university service. We offer an undergraduate major and minor program, a graduate certificate, and a Ph.D. The Gender and Women’s Studies Department encourages research and teaching collaborations with other interdisciplinary networks, departments, and programs.

The University of Kentucky is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity University that values diversity and is located in an increasingly diverse geographical region. It is committed to becoming one of the top public institutions in the country. Women, persons with disabilities, and members of other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. The University also supports family-friendly policies.

Please submit online 1) a cover letter including a statement of research and teaching interests; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) one publication or professional paper; and 4) three letters of recommendation to the GWS Search Committee, via Interfolio: GWS

The position is open until filled. The review of the applications will begin October 15, 2014.

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