Maryland University, Notre Dame, Dept of Philosophy, Assistant Professor
Nov 05, 2013 → Dec 20, 2013
The Department of Philosophy at Notre Dame of Maryland University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning fall 2014. AOS: Ethics, Applied Ethics. AOC: Ancient, Logic.
PhD prior to appointment is required. The teaching load is 3/4 with usual non-teaching service duties. Qualified applicants must be able to document and demonstrate effective teaching. Teaching responsibilities include the introductory course and upper-and lower-level courses across a broad curriculum and in various programs. Applicants must be willing to deliver evening, weekend, and online courses. The ideal candidate will also contribute to curricular design and growing the major.
As part of the department’s commitment to increasing the diversity of the philosophy professoriate, the department encourages applications from members of underrepresented groups such as racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT persons and persons with disabilities. Please see our ad on the APAonline jobs website for more information: APAonline