Texas A&M, Philosophy Dept. Senior Scholar

Oct 08, 2013 Dec 20, 2013

The Department of Philosophy at Texas A&M seeks a senior scholar in an area of applied ethics that has implications for engineering. Appropriate areas might include the philosophy of technology and STS (Science, Technology and Society); the philosophy of risk; social, international, or environmental justice concerns relating to engineering; ethical issues associated with biomedical technology; etc. The successful applicant will assume the Sue and Harry Bovay Chair for the History and Ethics of Professional Engineering. Although the holder of the chair must be a full professor, applications from advanced associate professors expecting promotion in the near future will also be considered. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in philosophy or a closely related field and will be expected to teach the standard load in the Department of Philosophy of two courses per semester, coupled with graduate student advising and other committee work.

Applicants should send by email attachment, as a single PDF document, a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for at least three scholars who are familiar with the applicant’s work and who would be willing to provide letters of recommendation to: search. The cover letter should describe the applicant’s research agenda and how it does or could relate to professional engineering.

Nominations of appropriately qualified scholars are also welcomed. Send such nominations, as well as any questions about the position, to the chair of the search committee: Professor Linda Radzik.

Consideration of applications will begin December 1 and continue until the position is filled.

Members of groups that have traditionally been under-represented in academic philosophy are especially encouraged to apply. Texas A&M is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, committed to diversity in hiring, and a Public Records state.

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