University of Alberta, Dept of Philosophy, Killam Postdoc

Sep 11, 2013 Nov 29, 2013

The Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, invites applications for an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship, tenable for 2 years, any time after April 1, 2014. AOS: open. Citizenship: open. Ph.D. must be completed prior to commencing fellowship (but applicant must be no more than 2 years post-doctorate at the time of application submission). $46,000 per annum plus benefits and one time $4000 research/travel grant. Research position, but some additionally remunerated teaching possible if desired.

Send applications, including application form, a statement (maximum one page) describing your proposed research and another statement (maximum two pages) describing your research experience, CV, sample of written work, and three letters of reference to: Jack Zupko, Chair, Killam Search,
Department of Philosophy,
University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA, T6G 2E7.
Please ensure that referees address your research proposal. Applicants with Ph.D. should include an official copy of Ph.D. transcript (or certified copy); others should ensure a copy is sent before taking up the fellowship. Deadline for receipt of applications: November 18, 2013.

Fellowships are awarded in a University-wide competition. The University of Alberta is committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified men and women, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.

Inquiries only may be addressed to Zupko.

For more information concerning eligibility and application procedures and application form, please consult: Fellowships

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