Emory University, Atlanta, Law, Ethics and Society, Asst Prof

Oct 24, 2012 Dec 21, 2012

EMORY UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA. Law, Ethics and Society. Assistant Professor (tenure-track), beginning Fall 2013. Four courses per year, beginning undergraduate to graduate level. Usual advising, committee, and other non-teaching duties. PhD required.

This position is one of several new faculty appointments in the humanities made possible by support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. These interdisciplinary appointments seek to bridge humanistic inquiry with other disciplines by applying its traditional principles to new fields of study; by examining traditional areas of research and teaching by means of new approaches; and by exporting principles of humanistic inquiry across not only the humanities but the academy much more broadly.

We seek scholars whose work reflects on the origins, institutional frameworks, and philosophical foundations of the relations among law, ethics, and society: what the law is, how it has come to be, and what it ought to be in the wider context of society. Within this broad area, we are especially interested in receiving applications from individuals who focus on legal narratives and law as literature; citizenship, nationality, and/or noncitizenship within the United States or within a transnational or comparative perspective; or gender, sexuality, race, social class, disability, and/or other identities within the United States or from a transnational perspective.

It is expected that successful applicants will have a tenure home in a humanities department, but the successful applicant will have research and teaching interests that are broadly interdisciplinary (perhaps bridging different colleges within the University). This position is open to scholars across the humanities and arts, including all literatures and language departments, history and all area studies, philosophy, religion, women's, gender, and sexuality studies, African American Studies, film and media studies, and legal studies.

Review of applications begins December 1, 2012; applications received before December 15, 2012 will be given full consideration. Applications must include a cover letter and a current CV. Send applications electronically to Mellon, addressed to Professor Lynne Huffer, Chair, Mellon Law, Ethics, and Society Search, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Nominations are invited. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and actively seeks applications from women and minorities.

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