Ryerson University, Dept. of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Nov 12, 2010 Dec 10, 2010

The Department of Philosophy at Ryerson University in Toronto invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. We are looking for someone with a demonstrated interest in health care ethics, though the area of specialization could be any of Bioethics, Ethics, Political Philosophy, or Feminist Philosophy. The position will commence August 1, 2011 (subject to budgetary approval). Candidates will hold a PhD or be ABD with a defense date set.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to teach a variety of courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level, with an expectation that this will include undergraduate courses in health care ethics.

The successful candidate should demonstrate evidence of high-quality teaching, a strong research profile and an emerging scholarly record, as well as the capacity for collegial service. Applications should include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a recent writing sample, results of teaching surveys (or equivalent evidence such as a teaching dossier), and be supported by three letters of reference.

Ryerson University is a vibrant and growing institution located in the heart of downtown Toronto. The Philosophy Department, consisting of 13 tenured faculty, prides itself both on the quality of its teaching and the breadth and quality of its research. The Department is committed to both analytic and continental approaches and traditions. We offer a wide range of courses in all of: our new Master’s program (begun 2010); the Philosophy Option in the interdisciplinary Arts and Contemporary Studies Program; and a wide range of Liberal Studies courses for students in other programs. We are currently finalizing a proposal for a full undergraduate Specialization to start Fall, 2012.

Please note that applications by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Confidential inquiries can be directed to Robert Murray, Department Chair or David Checkland, chair of the Appointments Committee. Review of applications will begin in late November, 2010 and applications received after December 3 may not be considered. Applications should be sent in care of:
Ms. Malu Maia, Administrative Assistant,
Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University,
350 Victoria Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3

This position falls under the jurisdiction of the Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA). The RFA collective agreement can be viewed at RFA.The RFA’s website can be found at Ryerson. A summary of RFA benefits can be found at benefits
Ryerson University has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. Members of designated groups are encouraged to self-identify. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

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