The Centre de Recherche en Ethique de l’Université de Montreal (CREUM), Postdoc Research Fellow
Apr 25, 2010 → May 21, 2010
The Centre de Recherche en Ethique de l'Université de Montreal (CREUM) is calling for applications for:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions (1-year position)
Starting date: September 2010 Postmark deadline: April 30th 2010 Salary Level: 3 000 $ per month
CREUM's mission is to contribute to interdisciplinary research and training in applied and fundamental ethics.
We are looking for researchers working in one of CREUM's five research areas: ethics and politics, ethics and economics, fundamental ethics, ethics and healthcare, ethics and the environment. We also accept candidacies from other areas, if they are related to ethical problems.
University of Montreal is a francophone institution: candidates should be able to take part in activities in french.
We encourage applications in partnership with other institutions.
Web link CREUM