Dept. of Philosophy, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Two positions

Oct 21, 2008 Dec 05, 2008

EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, GA, Department of Philosophy invites applications for Professor, beginning Fall, 2009. Four courses/year, beginning undergraduate to graduate level. Usual
advising, committee, and other non-teaching duties, with some department-level administrative experience preferred. Ph. D. required. AOS: Philosophical Psychology, with a focus on the nature
of the self and human nature (and not on cognitive science). Candidates should have a demonstrated ability to work in, and across, multiple philosophical traditions, and to connect that work to other
disciplines. AOC: 19th and 20th century philosophy, especially in social and political philosophy and/or aesthetics, in ways that deepen and expand departmental research and teaching strengths.
Review of applications begins November 20, 2008; applications must be complete and received at that time for first consideration, including interview at the 2008 Eastern APA meeting. Applications must include: a cover letter that addresses the position description; a current CV; and, names and contact information of three potential referees (who will be contacted only after consultation with the
Send applications to:
Philosophical Psychology Search,
Department of Philosophy,
214 Bowden Hall, 561 South Kilgo Circle,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.
Nominations are invited. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and actively seeks applications from women and minorities.

EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, GA, Invites applications for position Rank Open, beginning Fall, 2009. Four courses/year, beginning undergraduate to graduate level. Usual advising, committee, and other non-teaching duties, with some department-level administrative experience and Associate Professor or Professor rank preferred. Ph.D. required. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, with a focus on democratic theory and relations between political theory and political practice/public life. Candidates should have a demonstrated ability to work in, and across, multiple philosophical traditions, and to connect that work to other disciplines. AOC: 19th and 20th century philosophy, especially in feminist theory and/or ethics, in ways that deepen and expand departmental research and teaching strengths. Review of applications begins November 20, 2008; applications must be complete and received at that time for first consideration, including interview at the 2008 Eastern APA meeting. Applications must include: a cover letter that addresses the position description; a current CV; and, for senior applicants the names and contact information of three potential referees (who will be contacted only after consultation with the applicant), or, for junior applicants, three confidential letters of reference.
Send applications to:
Political Philosophy Search,
Department of Philosophy,
214 Bowden Hall, 561 South Kilgo Circle,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.
Nominations are invited. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and actively seeks applications from women and minorities.

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