University of Minnesota, Dept. of Philosophy, three positions

Oct 12, 2008 Dec 19, 2008

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota invites applications for three positions: 1. a position in moral and/or political philosophy. Open rank; although we are especially interested in distinguished tenured faculty. Full-time, 9-month, beginning August 31, 2009. Ph.D. in philosophy or related field required for appointment. AOS: moral and/or political philosophy. AOC: Open, but ability to teach graduate courses in political philosophy an advantage. Responsibilities: Undergraduate and graduate teaching and advising; regular departmental duties. All candidates must apply online. Candidates with tenure should submit a letter of application, the names of three referees we may contact, and a CV online by going to the University of Minnesota's Employment website.
Untenured candidates should submit a letter of application and CV online by going to the University of Minnesota's Employment website.
Untenured candidates should also post evidence of teaching ability and writing sample, and arrange to have at least three confidential letters of reference sent: Moral/Political Search Committee, Department of Philosophy,
University of Minnesota, 831 Heller Hall, 271 19th Ave S,
Minneapolis MN 55455.
Please direct questions about application procedures to Pam Groscost, Philosophy Department Administrator or 612-625-7573. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2008. Position is open until filled.

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