University of Western Ontario, Daryl T. Bean Professorship in Law and Women’s Studies

Oct 01, 2008 Dec 05, 2008

The University of Western Ontario invites applications for the Daryl T. Bean Professorship in Law and Women's Studies (made possible by a donation from the Public Service Alliance of Canada). The full-time probationary (tenure track) or tenured position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor will be a joint appointment in the Faculty of Law and the Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research (in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the Faculty of Social Science), beginning July 1, 2009. The Professorship is five years, after which the incumbent continues as a jointly-appointed probationary or tenured Member.

Candidates must have a degree in Law, and a Ph.D. or equivalent in Law or another relevant or cognate discipline, with a field of expertise and principal research focus in feminist scholarship and economic, labour and employment issues broadly conceived. This might include, but is not necessarily limited to: human rights law, administrative law, political economy, globalization, pay equity and other equity issues, governance, and political theory, in relation to economic, labour and employment issues. The successful candidate will make significant contributions to the research and teaching (undergraduate and graduate) functions of both academic units.

Applicants should send by November 30, 2008 two copies of each of the following: curriculum vitae, sample publications, evidence of teaching experience, three letters of reference, and a cover letter outlining their research and teaching interests:
Professor Tracy Isaacs, Chair
Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research,
Somerville House, Room 2319
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario
Canada N6A 3K7

All positions are subject to budgetary approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. The University of Western Ontario is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.

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