Dept of Philosophy, San Francisco State University, Two Tenure-track positions

Aug 06, 2008 Jul 01, 2009

Two Tenure-Track Positions: one in Metaphysics and Epistemology (broadly construed), and one in 18th/19th century history of philosophy, effective Fall 2009.

Rank: Assistant or Associate Professor
Salary: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications. Generous health, retirement and other benefits, including domestic partner benefits.

Requirements: Ph.D. in Philosophy, or all doctoral requirements completed by 8/1/09. Demonstrated potential for publishing research. Should be able to teach critical thinking.

AOS/AOC: One position requires AOS in M&E, broadly construed to include Philosophy of Mind/Philosophy of Language; the other requires AOS in 18th/19th century history of philosophy. AOCs open, but we have special interest in Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Biology, History of Ethics and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, and Race Theory.

Duties include scholarly research, with high-quality publication expected. The successful candidates will assume important roles in supervising master's theses, advising, committee service, and curricular development. The University provides opportunities for support of both research and teaching projects. We value collaborative work among philosophers and with scholars in other fields.

The Department of Philosophy offers a rich array of course offerings for our degree programs and for general education. The Department awards two B.A. degrees (in Philosophy and in Philosophy and Religion) and the M.A. degree (in Philosophy); and minors in Philosophy, Philosophy and Religion, and Religious Studies. Additional information can be found on the Department's web site

San Francisco State University, a large urban university, is part of the 23-campus California State University system serving a diverse student body in liberal arts, sciences, and professional programs. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or religion.

Application: Send a current curriculum vitae, an application letter (with email address), at least three letters of recommendation, writing sample, and evidence of potential for successful teaching and scholarly achievement. Qualified individuals wishing to be considered for both positions should so indicate. Review of applications begins in mid-October 2008 and will continue until the positions are filled. We will interview at the 2008 Eastern Division APA meeting and will invite finalists to campus.

Direct all applications and inquiries in:
Hiring Committee
Department of Philosophy
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132

N.B.: The SFSU Philosophy Department would welcome adding a senior philosopher in the next few years, AOS/AOC open, with a vigorous publication record and/or expertise in securing external funding, who can be an effective role model for our tenure-track faculty. We would be happy to learn about individuals who may be interested in such a position.

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