CFP: Society for Analytical Feminism

May 18, 2018 Jun 02, 2018

The Society for Analytical Feminism invites submissions for a session at the 2019 Eastern Division APA meetings in New York.
The Society seeks papers that examine feminist issues by methods broadly construed as analytic, or discuss the use of analytic philosophical
methods as applied to feminist issues. Authors should submit full papers of a length appropriate to a 20-minute presentation time.
Papers greatly exceeding 3,500 words will not be considered.

Please delete all self-identifying references from your submission to ensure anonymity.
Send submissions as a word attachment with the subject line SAF AT APA
to Kathryn Norlock

Deadline for submissions: Friday, June 1, 2018.
Graduate students or underfunded professionals whose papers are accepted will be eligible for the Society’s $350 Travel Stipend.
Please indicate in your email if you fall into one of these categories and wish to be considered for the stipend.

The Society for Analytical Feminism provides a forum for the discussion of issues concerning analytical feminism.
Its purpose is to promote the study of issues in feminism by methods broadly construed as analytic, to examine the use of analytic methods
as applied to feminist issues, and to provide a means by which those interested in Analytical Feminism may meet and exchange ideas.
The Society annually organizes sessions for the Eastern Division, Central Division, and Pacific Division meetings.
Membership in the Society is open to all who are interested in and concerned with issues in Analytical Feminism.
Annual dues are $25 for regularly employed members, $15 for students, unemployed, underemployed, and retired members.
For more information about SAF, including membership form, please visit
our website

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