Mar 25, 2018 Apr 02, 2018

Conference Theme
In response to the racist, sexist, nationalist, transphobic, nativist rhetoric and policy of the Trump White House, our conference theme this year is "Strategies of Resistance."
Across the globe, individuals and communities are joining together to resist neo-liberalism, climate change, and global capital. They are practicing significant actions of
solidarity and creatively imagining and prefiguring a new and more just world. From the Black Lives Matter movement, to rising antifascist activism in the U.S. and Europe,
to solidarity with the Dreamers and their families as well as migrants across the world, we are living in an age where people are resurrecting old ways and finding new possibilities
of joining together to resist unlivable and inhumane conditions. As members of the RPA, we stand together against the growing police state, the erosion of healthcare policies,
a colonialist and aggressive foreign policy, and tax policy that benefits the wealthy at the expense of basic human needs. As much as ever, we recognize the importance of resistance
and solidarity. With the rise of right-wing, anti-immigrant parties in Europe and the reappearance of blatant white supremacist rhetoric on the mainstream news in the United States,
it is incumbent upon the left to join together to imagine, share, and act upon our strategies of resistance.

In the spirit of collaboration and in the recognition that radical philosophy often takes place outside traditional philosophical settings, we invite submissions not only from philosophers
inside and outside the academy but also from those who engage in theoretical work in other academic disciplines – such as ethnic studies, women’s studies, social sciences,
and literary studies – and from those engaged in theoretical work unconnected to the academy. We especially welcome contributions from those often excluded from or marginalized in philosophy,
including people of color, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, and poor and working-class people.

In keeping with the spirit of radical thinking embodied by the RPA, we encourage submissions that employ formats and media that challenge the standard conference presentation.
For instance, we urge presenters to use formats that allow for greater interaction between participants and audience (e.g. presenting an outline, rather than reading a paper)
and that emphasize collective inquiry (e.g. organizing a workshop). Please note that participants will be selected for at most one presentation (talk, workshop, etc.) during the conference;
submissions should be presented with this in mind. (This limit does not include chairing sessions.)

NOTE: Please do NOT submit complete papers.

Please submit paper, workshop, or other proposals related to the conference theme or general themes of the RPA as an email attachment (pdf, docx, doc, or txt)

Please provide all the information requested:

    · Name
    · Address and email address
    · Affiliation or independent scholar, activist, educator, etc.
    · Title of proposal
    · Nature of proposal (talk, workshop, other)
    · Abstract of 250-500 words only
    · Equipment needs, if any

If you want to be considered for the Iris Marion Young Award for the best paper submitted by a graduate student, please indicate this on your submission.

We are planning to have a special session with undergraduate students who would like to present work related to RPA issues. Please clearly indicate whether you are an undergraduate student.

    Note: Due to the length of sessions, we will consider only panels of no more than three people.
    · Name of the panel contact person and each panel member
    · Addresses and email addresses of all panel members
    · Affiliation or independent scholar, activist, educator, etc., for each member
    · Title of panel proposal
    · Titles of individual papers, if relevant
    · Nature of panel proposal (talks, workshop, other)
    · Abstract of 250-500 words only, if relevant
    · Equipment needs, if any

    If you would be willing to serve as a session chair, please indicate this on your submission form. Session chairs are responsible for timing presentations
    and ensuring that each presenter gets their fair share of the available time.

For further information, contact the conference Program Committee:

Sarah Vitale, Program Committee Chair
Christa Hodapp, Conference Organizer
José Jorge Mendoza, Conference Organizer

Copyright © 2025 Canadian Society Working for Inclusion in Philosophy