HDCA 2013 Annual Conference, Sept. 9-12, 2013

Jan 27, 2013 Sep 13, 2013

HDCA 2013 Annual Conference

Theme: Human Development: Vulnerability, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Universidad Centroamericana
Managua, Nicaragua
9-12 September 2013

The conference will look at the reality of Nicaragua and Central America from the perspective of human development. Over the past 20 years Nicaragua has experienced high rates of economic growth and made significant progress in social indicators, particularly in relation to the Millennium Development Goals. However, gender, ethnic, racial, spatial and social inequalities still persist. These inequalities in the opportunities that people have to live lives they have reason to value constitute serious obstacles to progress in human development and to the sustainability of the MDGs achieved. The 2013 HDCA Conference will provide an opportunity to support the design of public policies to tackle the causes of poverty and inequality. Inequality generates vulnerability. People have fewer opportunities to satisfy their basic needs and cannot exercise or sustain valuable capabilities. For example, inequality in access to education and basic social services limits people’s opportunities to participate actively in economic, social and political life. Therefore, reducing inequalities requires an in-depth analysis of the causes and persistence of social exclusion, particularly of specific social groups. The design of social inclusion policies is central to human development and to people’s wellbeing. The 2013 HDCA Conference aims at establishing conceptual frameworks and programmes of action to reduce inequality, vulnerability and social exclusion in Latin America and beyond.

Keynote speakers:
- Amartya Sen, Harvard University
- Joshua Cohen, Stanford University
- Susan Pick, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Tony Atkinson, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
- José Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University, New York
- Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago
- Luis Ugalde s.j., Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela (tbc)
- Luis Felipe López Calva, World Bank
- George Gray Molina, UNDP- Latin America and the Caribbean Office
- José Pineda, UNDP – Human Development Report Office


Paper proposals fall in the following categories:
Full academic paper sessions, in which 2 or 3 research papers are presented in parallel sessions. Please send an abstract of 750 words, with 3 keywords. Note: only one submission per person as first author.

Thematic panel sessions, in which 3 to 4 full academic papers are presented under a single theme. In addition to individual papers abstracts, panel proposals should include a title and short description of the theme (500 words). Each panel should have a coordinator who submits all the abstracts belonging to the panel and acts as contact person.

Author meets critics sessions: in which an author presents a summary of a recent book or large piece of research. Each author should send a 500 word synopsis of his or her book/ research project and include the names of one to two confirmed discussants.

Poster presentation sessions: Posters present a research project, some completed field-work, a case study, or an early-stage research proposal. Please send an abstract of 500 words, with a list of 3 keywords.

Young scholar meets senior scholar sessions, in which graduate students present their research plan or work in progress. HDCA Fellows will provide feedback. Please send an abstract of 750 words with 3 keywords.

Please indicate clearly in your proposal under which category you wish it be considered.

Conference registration, fee & scholarships
On-line conference registration will open in the Spring of 2013. Scholars from developing countries, students, and local participants will pay a reduced registration fee. As in previous years, the HDCA also aims to make partial financial assistance available to the first two groups. More information will be made available on the conference website.

How to submit your proposal
Please submit your proposed poster, paper or panel using the appropriate form at HDCA.
You will be asked to fill out:
Your name, affiliation and e-mail address
A title for your contribution
An abstract
3-5 keywords
If the proposal is written solely by students / doctoral candidates or by practitioners / policy-makers
If you think you are eligible for / would like to be considered for a scholarship for students / participants from developing countries should such scholarships become available
Optional: Up to 5 references
For panel proposals only: a title for / description of the panel theme
If you encounter problems with the online submissions system, please email the conference organizers at HDCA

In order to ensure academic quality, all submissions will be reviewed by the HDCA Fellows and a select group of other senior researchers in the field.

- Submission of proposals: 15th March 2013
- Announcement of acceptance/rejection: 1st May 2013
- Registration with early–bird-fee: 1st June 2013
- Submission full papers/posters: 31st July 2013
- Registration with latecomer-fee: 1st August 2013

Kuklys Prize for best paper from a graduate student
The HDCA will award the best paper presented by a graduate student at the conference with the annual Kuklys Prize. All graduate students who will not have received their degree before 1st September 2013 and are presenting a paper at the 2013 HDCA conference under their sole authorship are eligible to be considered for this prize. If you wish your paper to be considered, please indicate this on the submission form. Please note: if you are competing for this prize, the full paper MUST be submitted by 31st of July 2013.

More information about the conference can be found at: HDCA2013

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