2008 CSWIP Conference Publication
Apr 18, 2010 → Dec 31, 2013
The special issue of Studies in Social Justice on "Just Reason" is now on-line, and open access at Just Reason. This volume emerged out of the 2008 CSWIP conference at the University of Windsor, "Reason, Activism & Change: Philosophical Considerations" and is edited by Catherine E. Hundleby (University of Windsor, Canada) and Phyllis Rooney (Oakland University, USA)
Feminist and liberatory epistemologists argue that understandings of reason and knowledge need to engage more constructively with the ethical and social specificities that frame scientific and other knowledge projects, including social and political knowledge projects that explicitly seek to advance social justice. In particular, such understandings draw attention to the fact that the ways in which theorists conceptualize, think, or reason about social and political issues have regularly given voice to specific perspectives over others, thus limiting opportunities for insight and resolution. All of the papers and the book review in this volume advance “just reason” in this way: they give reason and voice to concepts, views, or perspectives that have usually not been included in standard debates about particular social and political issues. These issues include identity politics in multicultural societies (Mason), discourses about war and violence (Stone-Mediatore), debates about same-sex marriage (Jaarsma), the role of consciousness-raising in meaningful social change (Fischer), and the recognition of indigenous knowledges and epistemes in the academic institutions of the global North (Lange on Kuokkanen).
Just Reason (1-6) Catherine E Hundleby, Phyllis Rooney
Reorienting Deliberation: Identity Politics in Multicultural Societies (7-23) Rebecca Mason
Epistemologies of Discomfort: What Military-Family Anti-War Activists Can Teach Us About Knoweldge of Violence (25-45) Shari Stone-Mediatore
Rethinking the Secular in Feminist Marriage Debates (47-66) Ada S. Jaarsma
Consciousness and Conscience: Feminism, Pragmatism, and the Potential for Radical Change (67-85) Clara Fischer
Review of Reshaping the University: Responsibility, Indigenous Epistemes, and the Logic of the Gift (87-91) Lynda Lange
Book Reviews
Review of Child Soldiers: From Violence to Protection (93-95) David Rosen