FAB 2010 Congress, Singapore, July 26-28, 2010

Sep 08, 2009 Dec 18, 2009

The International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is pleased to invite proposals for panels and papers in the 2010 Congress. The Congress theme is "Mobilities and Inequalities". The congress is July 26-28, 2010, right before (indeed sharing a crossover day with) the International Association of Bioethics World Congress, which is July 28-31, 2010.

Abstracts should be 350-400 words, and be accompanied by both a descriptive title for the paper proposed and 2-3 keywords. Individual papers accepted for presentation will be allotted a maximum of 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions. Proposals for panels should include the overall topic and a proposed title, objectives for the panel, and names of potential participants. Panel sessions will be maximum 90 minutes.
Papers on any topic in feminist bioethics are welcome, although the plenary sessions and some of the parallel sessions will be devoted to the Congress theme.

The theme of Mobilities and Inequalities should be interpreted broadly. Topics may include, but should not be limited to:
- Trafficking
- Women, War and Refugees
- Migration of Care Workers
- Global Movement of Food and Food Security
- Minorities and Barriers to Migration
- Medical Tourism
- Reproductive Tourism
- Communication Technologies in Healthcare
- Assistive Devices in Disability

The conference organisers welcome submissions from a wide range of disciplines, including: philosophy, social sciences, mobility studies, gender and migration studies, development studies, and others. We particularly encourage submissions from early career researchers.
Please provide enough detail for reviewers to be able to assess your proposal for a paper or panel from the abstract. This should include a clear statement of method, thesis, and conclusion, and indicate what participants will learn from your presentation.
One or two submitted papers may be selected for plenary presentations. If you wish your paper to be considered for a plenary, please submit the full paper and indicate that you seek review for a plenary.
To submit an abstract or a plenary paper for consideration, please fill out the submission form (Download the submission form here) and e-mail the form and your submission, saved as .doc or .pdf, to FAB. This e-mail address should only be used for communications concerning submissions, and not for general conference or FAB inquiries.

Deadline is December 1, 2010.

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