Announcing thinking bodies: a feminist philosophy podcast

Jun 19, 2024


Announcing thinking bodies: a feminist philosophy podcast

Hello CSWIP! We, Kristin Rodier and Anna Mudde, have just dropped the first episode of an experimental feminist philosophy podcast! Our first episode is on Sue Campbell's "Being Dismissed" and it's available through Apple Podcasts and Spotify (or wherever you listen!).

thinking bodies is a DIT (doing it together) experiment, and we're collaging with the voices of feminist philosophers (broadly construed). The first episode features the voices of CSWIP's own Christine Koggel, Ami Harbin, Michael Doan, Alexis Shotwell, and Kate Norlock, and on the website you'll find a place to submit voice clips of your own on the "Contribute" page!

We also have a request: this is a call out to our beloved CSWIPers (including the ones we haven't met yet!) to record your own voice clip for us to collage with (you can also submit a written "clip," if you like)! The current call is for Kristie Dotson's "Tracking Epistemic Violence, Tracking Practices of Silencing." Please also send us episode suggestions, as well as sound/production notes! "DIT" includes you, if you want it to!

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