CSWIP conference 2022, Call for Papers,  AFTERMATH, in all its senses.

Oct 28, 2022 Oct 30, 2022

Conference venue: Dept. of Philosophy, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA
Conference dates: October 28-30, 2022

CSWIP members can register for the conference here.. If you're not a CSWIP member, you can become a member.

Conference venue: Dept. of Philosophy, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA
Conference co-organized by Oakland University and Trent University, held in person on the Oakland University campus, in metro Detroit
Keynote address: Professor Susan J. Brison (Dartmouth College)
Dr. Susan J. Brison, Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values at Dartmouth College, and 2021-22
Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University, will be the keynote of the conference.
Her book Aftermath: Violence and the Remaking of a Self revolutionized philosophical approaches to trauma, repair, and personal identity.
In honor of the twentieth anniversary of its publication, the conference theme will be AFTERMATH, in all its senses.

We ask participants to consider how aftermath, as a concept worthy of philosophical investigation, is related to challenges
to traditional discourse.

How has aftermath been discussed in the history of philosophy, or overlooked?
How has feminist philosophical scholarship taken into account the complexities of thinking about history and time?

The conference organizers would like to emphasize this conference is intended to promote and support
the work of all women-identified and non-binary philosophers.
People of all genders are invited to submit and attend.

We invite papers and panel proposals from all areas of philosophy and philosophical approaches lying within or outside feminist philosophy,
including analytic, continental, and historically oriented philosophy. Submissions not directly related to the conference theme are also welcome.
Topics may include but are not limited to the following:
• - Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Aftermath
• - Waves and wakes, lineages and legacies
• - The many meanings of “aftermath”
• - Discussions of aftermath in the history of philosophy
• - “After” in geological, evolutionary, and historical time
• - Endings and beginnings
• - Continuity and rupture
• - Cycles of change, death, and rebirth
• - Generational trauma and healing
• - Interpersonal accountability, apology, and repair
• - Reparative efforts in the wake of political violence
• - Personal and political transformation
• - Philosophy of history and historical narration
• - Temporalities of crisis and catastrophe: when is “after”?
• - Pandemics, public health crises, and the “return to normal”
• - Colonialism and neocolonialism
• - Slavery and its afterlives
• - Envisioning and creating post-capitalist futures
• - Epistemic standpoint and temporal vantage
• - Benefits and drawbacks of hindsight

Submission Deadline: March 18, 2022 (1000-word abstracts for eventual 3000-word papers)
Responses to Submissions: April 8, 2022

Conference Dates: October 28-30, 2022 (our intention is to hold this conference in person. If pandemic conditions necessitate, we may also consider virtual options.)
Submit to: email
1. Please email the abstract as a double-spaced document in Word or PDF, prepared for fully anonymous review.
2. In your email, please provide your contact information and brief biographical material, including: your institutional affiliation and degrees
(starting with the most recent and specifying the discipline); recent positions and publications (if applicable), especially those relevant to the event.
3. We encourage all graduate students to submit their papers for consideration for the 2022 Jean Harvey Student Award. To do so, please indicate in the body
of your email that you would like for the paper to be considered. In that case, the completed paper, not exceeding 3000 words and prepared for anonymous review,
must be submitted by 12am EST July 15, 2022.
4. Panel proposal submissions: Please submit two separate documents.
1) A panel proposal, including paper abstracts, for anonymous review. 2) A document with all panelist names and biographical information.

**** ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 20, 2022****                   

This conference will prioritize accessibility. Guidelines for accessible presentations will be distributed with successful participant notifications. Information about
wheelchair accessible conference rooms, transportation, and accommodations will be available by the time of participant notifications. We are seeking funding to
ensure the availability of microphones for all talks and for discussion periods. Food will be vegan/vegetarian, and there will be space on the registration form to note
food allergies and sensitivities. Participants are asked not to bring or wear strong scents. A quiet room will be available. Further information, such as information about
childcare, breastfeeding and change room areas, and transportation to and from Rochester, MI will be available soon at http://www.cswip.ca and also upon request.
All conference participants will be asked to identify any presentation technologies and/or other supports required to participate, and anything else that can help
mitigate potential barriers to participation. All information will be kept confidential.

Copyright © 2025 Canadian Society Working for Inclusion in Philosophy