Marquette University 2022 Graduate Philosophy Conference, CFP

Jan 24, 2022 Feb 14, 2022

Marquette University 2022 Graduate Philosophy Conference
The Philosophy of Care and Caring

The Philosophy Graduate Student Association (PGSA) of Marquette University and Marquette’s chapter of Minorities And Philosophy (MAP) are pleased
to invite submission of papers and abstracts for their graduate philosophy conference to be held on April 8-9, 2022.

We invite abstracts from any field of philosophy (e.g. ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, phenomenology, feminist philosophy, philosophy of race, philosophy of disability,
philosophy of mind, political philosophy, philosophy of law, bioethics, etc.) addressing various issues surrounding care and caring (e.g. What is care? How do we enact it?
How does our understanding of care shape our understanding of life and death? Is care a normative value? What duties of care do we owe each other? What has the feminist
ethics of care contributed to other philosophical fields? How has care and caring been understood throughout the history of philosophy? What does care mean in a pandemic?).

UPDATE We are shifting to a virtual conference due to the rising Covid cases in the Milwaukee area and to increase safety and accessibility.
Please let us know if you have any specific access needs. Please submit an extended abstract of 500 to 1200 words sent as a PDF to Karolyn Burns
by February 13th, 2022.

Files should be anonymized. Please include the following in the body of your email: your name, paper title, email address, and institutional affiliation.
Please format the subject heading of your email as follows: [your name] MUGPC 22 Submission.

If your abstract is accepted, the paper will be due by mid-March to allow time for MU graduate students to prepare comments.
You will have 25 minutes for a presentation, followed by comments and Q&A. Keynote speaker TBD.
Please address any general questions to Karolyn Burns email

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