A Message from the Executive

Hello everyone,

As we approach a new year, we'd like to kindly remind you to consider renewing your membership for the 2023-2024 period, if you haven't already. You can find details regarding the dues Information about dues can be found here.

We, the Executive, has one important item of business to conduct via email. At our 2023 AGM the membership followed up on a previous action item to fold the Social Media Officer (held by Jenny Saul) into the Communications Officer role. Jenny was also serving as interim president while I was on leave, with Catherine Clune-Taylor serving as interim vice-president. We are very grateful for Jenny and Catherine, a past president of CSWIP, for stepping in under short notice. Since Catherine has been a president of CSWIP before, the Executive proposes that Jenny Saul (who had been Social Media Office) stay on the Executive as Vice-President/Rising President. If anyone objects to this process and would like to request a formal vote, please let Katy Fulfer (kfulfer@uwaterloo.ca) know by October 31.

The Executive could also use your help! We are building a CSWIP archive. If you have copies of previous CSWIP programs or posters or any other CSWIP materials that you think might be of interest., please send them to vlehan@yorku.ca

Other news and updates: - CSWIP supported the Trans Philosophy Workshop, held on September 18, 2023 at Queen’s University. A congrats to the organizers, Sofie Vlad and Rowan Bell, and to all the presenters and participants, for a successful workshop! - Our 2024 conference will be held at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. Stay tuned for a save the date announcement. The executive has discussed the importance of virtual options at conferences, and this is something we have passed along to the conference organizing committee. - If you have not checked out (and contributed to) the Feminist Philosophy Archive Directory, we encourage you to do so.

If you ever need to contact the Executive, please feel welcome to reach out to us! Our emails can be found on the CSWIP website.

Kind regards,

Katy Fulfer, on behalf of the CSWIP Executive Committee

Copyright © 2025 Canadian Society Working for Inclusion in Philosophy